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DOWNLOAD - Biblical History - Nimrod, Babel and Paganism

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Bible History - Nimrod, Babel and Paganism
The ten generations between Noah and Abraham changed at least tenfold in technological development. Unfortunately, technological development occurs faster than spiritual development and in fact, is often at odds with it. Therefore, these years were warlike, idolatrous, and chaotic. From this world emerged Nimrod, the first tyrant in history.

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About - Bible History

How does the history of the Bible impact us today? Noted Jewish historian Rabbi Berel Wein uncovers the historical context of Biblical events in order to understand the origins of the Jewish people. Explore Nimrod, Babel and Paganism in the 21st century.

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Lecture Topic
  • Nimrod, Babel and Paganism - The ten generations between Noah and Abraham changed at least tenfold in technological development. Unfortunately, technological development occurs faster than spiritual development and in fact, is often at odds with it. Therefore, these years were warlike, idolatrous, and chaotic. From this world emerged Nimrod, the first tyrant in history.
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Software RequirementWindows 7/8/10/11, Mac OSX